November 2008

Monthly Archive

Flat Bark Beetle (Sylvanidae)

Posted by on 25 Nov 2008 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Collected by Paul Romias II, No Ka Oi Pest Control, Inc.
Found on surface of a desk in a new office.
Specimen AM20081123.001; Body Length: 2.8 mm; LAT/LON: 13.507953, 144.810503

Tentative identification based on comparison to digital images available on the world-wide-web:

flat bark beetle – Silvanus bidentatus (COLEOPTERA: SYLVANIDAE)
This species not been previously reported from Guam

Atlas of Beetles of Russia



Cyborg Insects

Posted by on 22 Nov 2008 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Insects are being wired to be used as miniature flying machines and spies.

Dung Beetle

Posted by on 11 Nov 2008 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Scarab beetle collected/photographed by Jim McConnell on 11 November 2008.

Based on a digital image, Bruce Gill comments “It is a species of Onthophagus.  It’s a well developed male and looks like it might be an Australian or SE Asian species.  I’d need to see the specimen, as there are 2,000 species worldwide.”

According to my checklist of Micronesian insects, Onthophagus armatus Blanchard occurs on Guam, so that is a possibility.