
Posted by on 27 Jan 2009 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Wilson, E. O. 2003. The encyclopedia of life. Trends in Ecology
and Evolution 18:77-80.

Leptocontrus taurus

Posted by on 21 Jan 2009 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

A badly damaged specimen of Leptocontrus taurus (Hemiptera: Membracidae) was identified by comparison to specimens in the UOG insect collection.
Collection label data:

Tiyan, Guam
Jesse Leon Guerrero 20 JAN 2009

Insect Pests of Casuarina

Posted by on 17 Jan 2009 | Tagged as: Uncategorized,M1

Wasps Attacking Casuarina on Guam and Palau

Posted by on 16 Jan 2009 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

A multitude of wasps (body length = 1.22 mm) emerged from Casuarina equisitifolia branchlets collected from a tree in the beginning stages of decline at Polaris Point, Guam on 6 January 2009.  Microscopic examination indicates that the wasps are emerging from branchlet tips.

Infested trees have also been found in Yigo and Mangilao.  In some cases almost 100% of branchlet tips show feeding damage and exit holes.

Specimens were sent to John LaSalle in Australia.  John identifies the wasps as belonging to Eulophidae: Tetrastichinae:

“I returned from a week at the coast today to find the specimens of the small wasp on Causarina.
It is a bit troubling assigning it to genus – but I would say the closest fit would be Selitrichodes.
Selitrichodes is an interesting Australian genus which we just removed from synonym with Aprostocetus (I attach a pdf).
It is associated with galls – this is the first record of it being associated with anything but eucalypts.
We know of species in this genus which are gall inducers, as well as parasitoids of gall inducers.”

What appears to be the same insect was found by Aubrey Moore in Palau during March, 2009. Specimens were reared by the Palau National Invasive Species Coordinator, Joel Miles and these were sent to John LaSalle for comparison with those collected on Guam.

Drupal Taxonomy Import

Posted by on 28 Dec 2008 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Guy Kawasaki

Posted by on 28 Dec 2008 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Interesting Post on Drupal Distributions

Posted by on 28 Dec 2008 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Online Checklist of Ants in the Philippines

Posted by on 22 Dec 2008 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

A checklist of 393 species of Philippine ants with images is available here.

Online Key to Invasive Ant Species in the Pacific

Posted by on 20 Dec 2008 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

A free Lucid key and other info on Pacific invasive ants is available at

Ants Tending Aphids on Soursop

Posted by on 13 Dec 2008 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

My friend Alan Davis, who lives on Saipan sent me these images and poses the following questions:

“I started a photo study of two flowers, and this soursop is a goldmine.  I see a winged beast, and aphids, and ants.  I started this morning to look at the ants, see whether they are seeking honeydew.  Now I also see these ?pupae, but don’t have a clear shot yet. ”

“I also remembered the bands on the abdomens of the ants—was it they are FULL when the bands appear?”

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