Fulgaroids? resting/feeding on banana. Detected and photographed at night by Jim McConnell on 21 Oct 2008. Specimens kept.

Email from Charles Bartlett to Aubrey Moore, 26 Nov 2008

Hi Aubrey,

The fulgoroid is a tricky one.  I consulted with Lois O'Brien just to test my
impressions.  It appears to be either an Achilixiidae or a weird group of cixiids,
the Bennarellini.  The former is more likely.  If it is a cixiid, the females will
have a distinct ("sword-shaped") ovipositor, similar to that seen on a cicada.  An
Achilixiid would have a reduced ovipositor, and you might have troubles separating
males from females.  

That is not much help, I guess, but it is a start.  Both are relatively small groups
- should not be too hard to get a species on them.


University of Delaware
Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology
250 Townsend Hall
531 S College Ave
Newark, DE 19716-2160

Dept phone (302) 831-2526
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