No Ka Oi brought these insects to me for identification.  They were collected from wooden furniture stored in a garage.

Collection data: 

Guam: Chalan Pago
collected from wooden furniture stored in garage
R. Marquez, No Ka Oi, 8 DEC 2008


  • 13 specimens of Gonocephalum adpressiforme (Family Tenebrionidae); 5 specimens pinned (AM20081208.006 to .010)
  • 4 specimens of Ataenius orbicularis (Family Scarabaeidae) pinned (AM20081208.002 to .005)
  • 1 specimen of Cantacaden quinquecostatus?  (Family Tingidae) pinned (AM20081208.001)

These three insect species are common on Guam.  They do not feed on wood and are probably using the furniture simply as a place to hide.